The Master Chief Collection Halo Action game for Xbox One:-
After 343 Industries, the publication of the multiplayer patch for “Halo – The Master Chief Collection” had shifted, there is now a new date for the update.
Update (23 November 2014)
The hours of the numerous bugs in “Halo – The Master Chief Collection” appear to be numbered. The originally announced for November 19 and then shifted shortly patch for the title appears, according to 343 Industries now today, 20 November. This was announced by the developer in an official blog post and was in this context a list of all improvements out that has the update on board. Which is a mile long and should ensure indeed for relief. Especially in the field of online players search the studio has therefore reworked strong. So should the search be much shorter and be more transparent to the player through regular status reports. Belong crashes and erratic readings during the search process and then to the virtual patching the past. In addition to the Matchmaking update optimizes the user interface and fixes bugs in Scenario Campaign Mode. In particular, “Halo – Combat Evolved”, “Halo 2” and “Halo 2 – Anniversary” drives 343 Industries of the update all kinds of children’s diseases. So the developer improves inter alia the hit registration and game stability in various areas. An overview of all changes can be found on the official website for the game. If the patch show despite its scale in some areas no effect, rest assured: 343 Industries are on, too potter for additional updates to enhance the game experience.
The Master Chief Collection Halo Action game for Xbox One: Previous releases for the game
Update (18 November 2014)
For many players is “Halo – The Master Chief Collection” been a flop. Various problems in multiplayer mode currently overhang the game experience. But developer 343 Industries announced a solution and promised an extensive patch for 19 November. Which should improve the stability of the game, players optimize the search and fix various bugs. This is not the time being: how 343 Industries in a blog post announcing the release of the patch moves. A new event called the developer does not, however, assumes that the update still appear in the course of the week. Reason for the delay are therefore not yet completed testing and certification processes. In addition, we will provide the patch with other bug fixes. In the meantime Server updates ensured according to 343 Industries already a significant improvement of the online experience. The developer admits, however, one that the performance of the server there is still not where it should be, and is grateful for the continued Geld the gamer community.
Update (12 November 2014)
The publication of “Master Chief Collection” was the highlight of the year for many Xbox One owner. Even more upsetting that even this Top Stocks can not do without teething. As with many games in the recent past, the problem lies in the new edition of the “Halo” series, especially in online multiplayer. Within a short time after the publication flooded disappointed gamers internet forums and social networks with complaints. In particular, the hour long waits in the search for suitable online players drive the gamer since the start of the palm. Sound problems in voice chat, frozen screens and crashes overhang “Halo” fans the fun. Developer 343 Industries responded with an official post on the website for the game and acknowledges that some actually are in disarray. The studio apologizes to the gamer community and admits to potter around the clock to find solutions to the many problems. Already in the course of the day several server updates are designed to ensure that the online players Browsing round. Next weekend, the team wanted to publish additional patches to fix other problems; among other things, can therefore present some achievements do not unlock. Producer Dan Bayou said that the “Halo – The Master Chief Collection” a huge project with a lot of attack surface is and you’ve done your best to ensure a round start. Now while there are problems faced you’ll do everything we can to make this as fast as possible from the world and to provide fans with a smooth game play experience.
Test: Halo – The Master Chief Collection
The Game Collection “Halo – The Master Chief Collection” is an interactive museum, her on-screen menu, an exhibition over 13 years ” Halo “story. Check out the exhibits closely, you will learn to speak about the development of Bunnie’s legendary game series and the modern first-person shooter “Halo – Combat Evolved” offered the most intuitive console-specific control since “Time Splitters”, “Halo 2” opened many console gamers the gateway to the exciting multiplayer world. “Halo 3″ and ” Halo 4 “stand for graphical progress with the new Xbox console generation 360. The series as a whole established the” Only two weapons at once “principle, whose genre colleagues as” Kill zone “operate to this day.
But not everything shone like the helmet from the series hero Master Chief – because “Halo” polarized (e) more than any other shooter series: fans will find the game world uniquely beautiful, the music epochal and the Master Chief iconic, while the other fraction is precisely this properties as being sterile, cheesy and boring. Love you so “Halo”, leads for you no way around the “Master Chief Collection” around, because Microsoft has fan service at its best. Do you hate it, you will continue to do so – and make a big circle around the four-game package.
Nice touch of a button
But what is new in 2014? Not only contained “Anniversary” version of ” Halo – Combat Evolved “comes with the well known image switcher, even in” Halo 2 “switch by pressing the option button on your Xbox One controller seamlessly from the old much fancier for new look. Here developer 343 Industries again remodeled the entire game, complete with different architecture and fancier textures. The flames with fire wildly, the music that has put on drama. Since the um switchen running without delay makes it particularly as fans always fun to take certain positions under the microscope. Particularly praiseworthy: Certain game cut-scenes from “Halo 2” render the doer in a very contemporary animated videos. Paradox: The new parts do not get it – so the old ones are chic. With so much effort on the part 343 is irritated that the developer is weakening in other respects: The early AI quirks, there are still, your colleagues like to run in bushes or shoot into nothingness, while the enemy she sees regularly or not understandable. Bugs join be noted: the boarding of an enemy tank is sometimes impossible.
Bonus Content
The other additional content for die-hard fans: At some points in all games depend terminals on the wall, through which you – provided online connectivity and unique app installation – the “Halo” -Channel enter. Here waving News from the “Halo” universe, Consoles streams, a series encyclopedia, the first (and only) season of “Halo – Nightfall” series and multiplayer statistics. Log during a game session, however, makes clear, since the disruption She pulls out of the game.
Conclusion: Halo – The Master Chief Collection
Are you not a “halo” aficionados, is the “The Master Chief Collection” is the perfect opportunity to finally in the sci-if series – all problems as a moderate, especially in the old parts of artificial intelligence and technical quirks notwithstanding. After all, the game offers Collection nearly 50 hours shooter game. Fans think but well, if they have to play this epic one more time: Even if the graphics switch is fascinating bonuses like the new multi player lobby or “halo” -Channel are more of a nice little bonus. The multiplayer beta access to “Halo 5” is sorely tempting but … Release date “Halo – The Master Chief Collection”: November 11, 2014 Xbox One.