Excellent Photos In Challenging Lighting Condition


As a wedding photographer, it is important that you learn how to take beautiful photos in challenging lighting conditions.

If you are a wedding photographer, and you have covered many Indian weddings, then you must have realised how unpredictable and chaotic they are. It is quite natural that sometimes the rituals run late and there are more people than expected. Furthermore, Indian weddings are spread across several days. Therefore, as a wedding photographer, you must have expertise in landscape, fashion, portrait, family photography and more. It is important that you should be able to take great photos in any situation. However, it is easier said than done because the events run late and venues also change, therefore the lighting condition may change very quickly from harsh noon light to the subdued lightning of indoors.

If you want to become the top wedding photographer in Delhi, then you must gain expertise in using the available light source to take photos with the right exposure. In this article, we will tell you some tips that the best pre-wedding photographer in Delhi have shared with us.

1). Observe the light: As a professional wedding photographer, you must learn how to read the light of a place. When you reach the scene, you must be able to tell the shadows and the highlight areas. In addition, you must be sure about the contrast range of the scene. Whenever we look at the scene our eyes are naturally drawn to the brightest part of the scene which is the highlights. Therefore, it is important that you place your main subject in that area. When you are trying to frame the subject, you must visualise how the photo will look like once you take it.

Wedding Photographer Delhi NCR

2).Strategies your light locations: When you reach the location, you must look at the surrounding, the venue and the decor to find whether there is enough natural light to take great photos. If you find that there is enough natural light, then you can go ahead with your shots, but if you see that natural light is not adequate, then you should try to move your subject to another place which has more light. You can also move around the subject so that you can take the photo with a different angle that offers you a better light. If it is not possible to move the subject, then you can either increase your ISO, have a wider aperture, or you can look for an artificial light source.

3). Meter the face: If you are not sure whether the light falling on the face of the subject is adequate, then you should not take any chance but use the light metre to check. The spot metering mode and metre for the face will allow you to take great shots (after adjusting the settings as per the metre reading).

These are just some of the tips that will help you to use the natural as well as an artificial light source to take great shots even in challenging conditions.

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