iPad Apps Reach 12 Million Downloads In A Week


  iPad Apps Reach 12 Million Downloads In A Week


iPad Apps Achieved 12 Million Downloads In A Week
iPad Apps reach 12 Million Downloads In A Week

The tittle of this post is  iPad Apps Reach 12 Million Downloads In A Week. last week apple product means. iPad apps reach a great platform. Many iPad apps free for apple users.  Microsoft has just confirmed via the official account of Office that its applications for the iPad have already downloaded twelve million times . And that in a week, so we’re talking more than 1.7 million daily downloads since its launch. A twenty downloads every second, but here we also include the OneNote application.

iPad apps download All successful. Word, Excel and Powerpoint are still the most downloaded free app in the App Store for iPad apps as I write these lines, but more interesting is that the three applications are also in the list of applications that have achieved more revenue . Word is ranked 8 in Excel 10 and PowerPoint 13.

This means that users are buying subscriptions to Office 365 at a good pace , which is good news for Microsoft and Apple . Satya Nadella has registered his first goal as a new CEO in Redmond, no doubt. For those who arrive late, remember that you can read our impressions of Office for iPad in the analysis published Monday.

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