The times of bad news for the time being by: Following the publication of the add-ons “Warlords of Draenor” is “World of Warcraft” enjoys enormous popularity again.
World of Warcraft Online Playing Game
Recently it looked gloomily out of Blizzard’s flagship MMO “World of Warcraft”. Of the once twelve million subscribers only 6.8 million were left last summer. However, the publishers kept a cool head and put on the new add-on “Warlords of Draenor “- rightly, as it turned shows. In fact, the fresh expansion has pushed the number of subscribers within the shortest possible time in the green field. According to Blizzard, the number of users rose within 24 hours after publication of the add-ons to over ten million. Even the massive server bottlenecks and bugs, with which the game struggled in the first few days, the enthusiasm of gamers seem to have done any harm. And the end of the story is far from being achieved: Yesterday started “Warlords of Draenor” in South Korea, China, Taiwan and Macau through and is expected to generate numerous new followers there. An impressive power, All celebrating “World of Warcraft” in this year its tenth anniversary. And in the free-to-play era in which online games are a dying breed with subscription model, which takes very little appeal to gamblers. Just think of publisher Bethesda, starting with “The Elder Scrolls Online. Did not reach the expected number of subscribers”
World of Warcraft: Previous relating: –
World of Warcraft Online Playing Game
Update (August 7, 2014)
The downward trend in Azeroth continues. For years listed Activision Blizzard a decline in the number of users in “World of Warcraft “. In the past quarter announced 800,000 players their subscription, so that the gamer community of MMOs drops to a still respectable 6.8 million players. The stated Activision a media report , according to recently at an investor conference. For comparison: 2010 scored the game whopping twelve million users. A large proportion of dropouts is derived according to publishers from Asia. need to worry, the company does not see, however. They had expected that the number of users would be reduced, since the last expansion “Mists of Pandaria “the end of their life cycle more. Similar developments have also the end of the previous expansion “Cataclysm given “.”World of Warcraft” is still the leader in the subscription-based online games, and with the release of the upcoming add-ons ” Warlords of Draenor “the numbers could at least temporarily stabilize again.
World of Warcraft Online Playing Game
Original message (10 May 2013)
“World of Warcraft” is a best and unique success story. With the online role-playing game published in 2004 by developer Blizzard has set new standards and revolutionizing the genre. The company earned neatly on the title. In the fourth quarter of 2010, Blizzard posted proud twelve million paying subscribers! Since then it goes downhill. Only during the last three months has lost 1.3 million sickened regulars. But still is “World of Warcraft” with 8.3 million subscribers, the number 1 in MMOs with monthly fee – also from this figure, the competition can only dream of.
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Deepak Sudera
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