Tips For Managing Your 24/7 Virtual Assistant


Tips For Managing Your 24/7 Virtual Assistant

Hiring a virtual assistant is just the beginning. As soon as you add someone to your team, part of your work as a leader should be aimed at maintaining productive virtual assistant websites, professional and mutually beneficial relationships with your staff. You can find more relative tips about hiring a virtual assistant here VAguys111. Here are some tips to help you manage your virtual assistant:

1. Rate performance

First of all, you should evaluate the success of your virtual assistant based on their performance. To do this, make sure that you have clear expectations and/or key performance indicators (KPI). If they live up to your expectations, do you really need to care about how many coffee breaks they take during the day?

2. Eliminate micromanagement

If you set clear expectations from the work of your virtual assistant, and you evaluate them depending on how well they meet these expectations, there should be no need for their micromanagement. Yes, there are programs that allow you to “spy” on the screen of your virtual assistant or track the time of their work. These things are not needed when you have confidence and clear expectations from your virtual assistant services. If you do not like to manage the way you manage your virtual assistant, you are probably doing something wrong.

3. Require weekly reports

At the end of each week, your virtual assistant sends you a report about what he did this week. Provide a template that will be used to send reports for you. Here are some questions we recommend, let your cheap virtual assistant answer them in their weekly reports along with any specific metrics or <a href=””>KPI’s</a>:

  • What tasks or projects are completed?
  • How much time is spent on each task or project?
  • What are they continuing to work on?
  • What are the problems or difficulties?
  • Are there any feedback, questions or ideas for you?
  • Do they need additional training?

4. Create a culture of feedback

Create a culture of trust and open communication with your virtual assistant (and any person you work with). Encourage them to share ideas, ask questions, and get regular feedback. This will help you learn to be the best leader and manager who will help you create mutually beneficial relationships with your team members.

The best tools for outsourcing and managing a virtual assistant business.

Although the concept of hiring someone you may never have met personally may seem strange, with the right tools you can create and maintain productive and pleasant relationships with your virtual staff.

I have listed some of our favorite tools for each category below.

5. Communication facilities :

  • Skype
  • Zoom
  • Slack
  • Appear in

6. Project management tools :

  • Trello
  • Asana
  • Basecamp

7. File Sharing

  • Google drive
  • Dropbox
  • LastPass

8. Hire a virtual assistant so you can focus on what matters most

If you feel tired of building your business, you are not alone. Most entrepreneurs work long hours simply because they have not learned how to use their time efficiently and delegate tasks to others. They suffer from what our friend Chris Dacker, bestselling author of Virtual Freedom, calls the “superhero syndrome.”

Many entrepreneurs believe that they can do everything themselves, and because of this faith, this is exactly what they do. Often they lack efficiency, which they compensate by hard work, risking “burn out”. Your job as an entrepreneur is not just creating employment for yourself. For this suitable freelance or other types of self-employment. An entrepreneur is someone who builds systems and hires people who help him run his business.

A virtual assistant services rates probably will not be the only person you add to your team when you develop your business, but they must be one of the first.

Tips For Managing Your 247 Virtual Assistant
Tips For Managing Your 247 Virtual Assistant

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