Stomach bloating warning


Stomach bloating warning

Swelling of the stomach may be caused by certain foods in the diet or excessive eating at one time. If you regularly eat this common fruit, you may be at risk of wind pain and stomach aches. Do you suffer from Stomach Bloating?

Stomach bloating is a common condition that affects most people at some point in life. According to the NHS, it can make the stomach feel swollen, swollen, and often very uncomfortable. Your Stomach bloating pain may be caused by eating some high-pressure food, or eating too fast or too much. It is said that eating apples regularly may increase the risk of flatulence.

Stomach bloating warning
Stomach bloating warning

According to Dr. Amy Myers, Apple is a nutritious fruit that is usually good for you.

However, she warned that eating too much apple may cause bloating pain. That’s because they contain fructose and sorbitol. These are FODMAPs that some people find it difficult to digest correctly. They then sit in the intestines and in the fermentation, releasing gas during the process.

“Although no one is willing to admit that natural gas is something we have to deal with every day,” Myers said.

“The good news is that what you eat has a huge impact on the gas you experience, and there are many foods that naturally reduce gas and bloating. “Although apples are very good for you, if you are dealing with bloating every day, You may want to fire.

“Apple is rich in fructose and sorbitol, both of which are FODMAPs, which can worsen your digestive symptoms.

“Fortunately, there are many equally nutritious fruits to choose from that don’t cause gas and bloating, including berries, citrus fruits and of course bananas.”

You can also reduce the risk of bloating by reducing the number of apricots you eat. Apricots contain polyols – or sugar alcohols – and they are also a kind of FODMAP. Other foods you should avoid include cruciferous vegetables, dairy products, beans, and gluten.

Your Stomach bloating pain may be caused by constipation, wind, irritable bowel syndrome, or even excessive air swallowing. You can drink through a straw, filled with food, and even chewing gum to swallow the air. After an important weekend, people are more likely to feel bloated -, especially during the holiday season.

The NHS says, if your bloating symptoms don’t go away, tell your doctor. It may be caused by more serious things, including ovarian or intestinal cancer.

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