How to Make Money With Adsense


How to Make Money With Adsense

The tittle of this post is How to make money with Adsense. In this article I talked about the niche blog more profitable with adsense, those, that is, where the money for each click is greater than others.I had, however, warned that there is amistake that many people make thinking easy money. What is this error? Simply to create a site made ??for adsense.

Properly made ??for adsense site is made ??so that the visitor click, even unintentionally , on an ad adsense added to parts of the theme where normally there would be on the menu.MAKE MONEY WITH ADSENSE.

How to Make Money With Adsense.techfameplus1How to Make Money With Adsense.techfameplus1
How to Make Money With Adsense.techfameplus1

What I mean by site made ??for adsense, however, is a site created in a profitable niche in which you are not proficient , did, in fact, only to gain. I imagine that as soon as you have read my previous article, you thought: “But yes, I create a website for forex, I pay a competent columnist and I make money.

It ‘happened to me to think of this solution, which would also be good if there were a couple of problems …

How to Make Money With Adsense
How to Make Money With Adsense

1.Rischio Ban: Oh yes! The ban adsense. I do not know if you know but adsense, however well being profitable, it is very hard against those who violate, more or less accidentally , Regulation.So, once you are banned from adsense, what do you do with a site that is a topic that interests you and that you are no longer able to monetize? Money With Adsense

2.Competitività Niche: The second negative point of this method is the competitiveness. Do not you think it is easy to come to your site users in a niche already well developed as, for example Money With Adsense, the forex. So, if you are not competent and do not put your passion, it is unlikely that the take-off site.

All right. I hope I was clear about why it is better not to invest in such an idea. However, if you are competent and passionate about that niche, so be it. You can do the blog and even money :).

Article informational purposes only. The authors disclaim any responsibility for the use or misuse of this guide.

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