How To Improve Android Phones Battery Life? Top 5 Battery Saving Tips


How To Improve Android Phones Battery Life? Top 5 Battery Saving Tips

Android phones are becoming better and cooler. And there is no doubt that Apple users are switching to Android phones because the features are hard to miss. They are user-friendly, cool, and full of amazing features. Samsung is the king of Android phones. Galaxy S9 Plus and Note 9 are a couple of instances of top Android phones currently. While most features are amazing, the users are trying to make a single day with the battery. And that too with a nightly recharging routine. Unfortunately, the battery isn’t enough.

Plenty of factors have contributed to reducing the gadget endurance. Thinner design with comparatively lesser room for the batteries is one major factor. Some other power-hungry features are screens becoming brighter and larger, more software programs and apps running in the background, and super-fast quad-core processors. The 3G has moved to 4G and LTE networks. GPS radios are also a culprit in this regard. All these factors have taken a toll on your battery life and they share responsibility for it. Just like your Frontier TV has taken a toll on your escalating cable TV bill. Thanks to this premium channel!

Fortunately, there’s a lot that you can do to save your battery life and keep it running. Here are some tips to extend your Android phone’s battery life.

5 Tips to Help You Save Your Android Phone’s Battery

  1. Figure Out What’s Sucking Your Phone’s Battery the Most
  2. Turn Off All Unnecessary Hardware Radios
  3. Reduce Twitter, Email, and Facebook Polling
  4. Consider Using the Mode Called Extra Power Saving
  5. Dump the Unnecessary Live Wallpapers and Home Screen Widgets

Let’s discuss.

Figure Out What’s Sucking Your Phone’s Battery the Most

Some functions and features might seem harmless. But they are the culprits when it comes to your battery being consumed too quickly. So, you need to navigate to your Settings and then to your Battery. It will show an organized and systematic breakdown of your phone’s battery consumption. A descending list of all the features and applications will display in order of their battery-hogging capabilities. If you see a feature or an app that you barely ever use, turn that feature off or uninstall the app.

Turn Off All Unnecessary Hardware Radios

The new Android phones are amazingly equipped with all the fancy features and technologies. It’s great to have GPS, LTE, NFC, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi. But guess what! All these technologies are capable of hogging your battery. You don’t need all of them activated around the clock. And by default, Android keeps the location-based applications resident right in the background. And you will notice that they are draining your battery fast. See if your phone has a widget for power control. If it has one, use it to turn GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC and LTE on and off quickly.

You should know that amongst all these, GPS is the biggest power drain. Therefore, you should make a little effort to turn it off when it’s not in use. All you need to do is to swipe down the Notification bar, tap the related icon and you are good to save tons of power.

Reduce Twitter, Email, and Facebook Polling

This one is a good hack to save your battery life. You need to set various messaging apps to the manual setting for polling or refreshing frequency. You can test it. When you do it, you will see that you have instantly extended the device’s batter-time by a significant amount. Now that you have witnessed the difference, only re-enable the ones, which are most important. And only those which you need.

Consider Using the Mode Called Extra Power Saving

Most of the Android-based phones have power saving modes. You need to figure out yours from the Settings. Use it as often as possible. The power saving mode limits the phone to calls, texting, web browsing, and so on. You can squeeze plenty of extra battery hours and even a whole day of standby time from those few percentage points of the battery!

Dump the Unnecessary Live Wallpapers and Home Screen Widgets

Only because they are just there on the home screen and seem inactive, that doesn’t mean that they are not consuming your phone’s battery. This goes for all the widgets, which poll status various updates in the background. This is also true for the fancy live wallpapers, which look animated and pretty. We are not suggesting to dump everything. Because home screen customizations are something that makes the Android phones great. Just get rid of those, which are hardly used.

Final Words

And lastly, turn the screen brightness a little down and turn off the feature called Automatic Brightness. Especially if you into watching long videos on social media with your frontier customer service number. It would a good idea to turn down the brightness to save up on battery life.

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