How to Choose a Domain Name for Blog?


How to Choose a Domain Name for Blog?

After you’ve established a niche for your blog, you need to decide the domain name for the website. This is an extremely significant decision which should be taken seriously as it will dictate the kind of audience that you would eventually develop. A domain is most commonly divided into two segments. The first half of the domain is the name of your organisation or your personal name, and the second half is the extension. A domain name holds huge significance as it communicates what you are really about.

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Hence, if you’re focusing on starting an academic blog, which will function to provide assignment assistance to students, you need to consider that objective while deciding the first half of the domain name. Below some tips are mentioned which can help you determine the domain name for your blog.

  1. Avoid hyphens and numbers: If you are considering to begin a formal and professional blog, then it is highly recommended that you don’t incorporate silly abbreviations, hyphens, or random numbers. You need to make it easily memorable and choose something that can smoothly be pronounced.
  2. Select dot com (.com): While deciding a domain name and its extension, it’s better to choose dot com as it comes across as more professional. Be vigilant in your extension selection as a slight change can lead visitors to your competitor’s website.
  3. Choose a short name: If you pick a long name for the domain title, it can increase the chances of mistyping or misspelling. Furthermore, it creates inconvenience while typing it in the URL as it will consume more time. Hence, ensure that your domain name is short, effective, and precise.
  4. Easy to say: Although creativity is promoted, you should always consider the cognitive abilities of your potential consumers. To select a professional domain name, you need to keep in mind the audience you are catering to. It should communicate what your blog is all about while maintaining the understanding quotient in mind.
  5. Avoid copyright issues: If you’re plotting to utilize the domain name of any known or underrated website, then it’s a bad idea. People can file a lawsuit against your domain name for copyright issues.
  6. Expired domain: It is highly advised to avoid purchasing used domain names. There is an option on the internet where you can purchase domain names which were being consumed by other users. Although the majority of the domain names aren’t affected, there’s a huge possibility that you would have to pay penalties charged by such users.
  7. Make use of tools: With the rapid advancement in technology, there’s a huge section of the audience that utilizes Dotomator, Nameboy, Domains Bot, and Lean Domain Search to come up with a proper domain name.
  8. What you represent: Finally, when you’re compiling the list of names for your domain title, consider the words that describe you the most. What exactly is the purpose of your blog? Why do you write? And what kind of audience do you aspire to communicate to? Figure that out and be authentic.

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