How Coconut Oil Can Help You Lose Weight


How Coconut Oil Can Help You Lose Weight

A small number of studies have found a link between coconut oil and weight Lose, mainly in the fact that it keeps you full, promotes metabolism and breaks belly fat. But our experts say that we should be cautious.

It can boost your metabolism. Studies have shown that MCT oils like coconut oil can help you burn more calories in a single day, which can help you lose weight.

A study published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders found that long-term consumption of MCT oil may help you burn more than a diet high in long-chain fatty acids (such as olive oil, soybean oil or avocado oil). Calories… Dr. Fife said that when your cells use MCT instead of glucose as a fuel, your body’s metabolism increases by 24 hours.

“In general, there are strong data on the weight loss characteristics of MCT oil, but not so much for coconut oil,” said Dr. Marie-Pierre St-Onge, associate professor of nutrition medicine at Columbia University. “Coconut oil accounts for only 13.5% of purified MCT. To get 10 grams of MCT, you need to consume 80 grams of coconut oil. 80 grams of any oil in a day contains a lot of oil, especially coconut oil. Saturated fat.”

In addition, St-Onge’ conducted a study in March 2018 that showed that a mixture of lower doses of coconut oil and other MTCs did not increase calorie burn in overweight adolescents.

Coconut oil makes you full.

Compared to other fats, the shape of coconut oil has been found to be able to meet hunger for a longer period of time. A small study published in evidence-based medicine found that daily consumption of virgin coconut oil can increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) “good” cholesterol, thereby enhancing satiety.

Dr. Neel P. Chokshi, associate professor of clinical medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, said: “The fat is more full and full, so from this perspective, it may help to lose weight.” But should you eat so many grams of saturated fat?

The group consumed 30 ml (30 g) of coconut oil per day for 8 weeks and was about 26 g of saturated fat to increase its high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. This is almost twice the amount of 13 grams of saturated fat recommended by AHA.

“As a cardiologist, we are worried that people will eat a lot of coconut oil because of high saturated fat,” Dr. Chokshi said. “Excessive, it will increase your cholesterol. We always recommend reducing fat and saturated fat.”

It can break belly fat.

Some studies have found that eating coconut oil burns fat, especially belly fat, which is harmful to your heart.

A study published in Lipids gave women 40 grams of coconut oil (MCT) or soybean oil (long-chain fatty acids) for 28 days and found that both groups lost weight, but only the coconut oil group lost belly fat.

But again, 40 grams of coconut oil contains about 35 grams of saturated fat, more than twice the amount of daily saturated fat recommended by AHA.

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