Freiburg Minster (German: Freiburger Münster or Münster Unserer Lieben Frau) is the cathedral of Freiburg in southwestern Germany. The last Duke of Zahringen began to build the building in about 1200 years of Roman style. Gothic architecture continued to be built in 1230. The smallest part of the building was built on the basis of an original church, starting from the beginning of Freiburg. 1120.
In the Middle Ages, Freiburg was in the parish of Constantinas. In 1827, Freiburg Castle became the seat of the newly established Fribourg Catholic Islands and thus became the cathedral.
Swiss historian Jacob Burckhardt once said that the 116-meter-tall tower of the church will always be the most beautiful mountain on the planet. His comments have caused misunderstandings about the most beautiful towers in Christianity.
The base of the tower is almost square and its center is the Dodegong Star Gallery. Above the gallery, the tower is octagonal and thin, above its peak.
It is the only Gothic church tower in Germany that was built in the Middle Ages (1330). Miraculously, it continues to this day and escaped from the bombing attacks of November 1944, destroying all houses in the west and north. market. The tower was severely vibrated at the time, and the presence of these vibrations was attributed to its main anchor points, which added squares to these parts. The windows were taken out by the church staff led by Monsignor Max Fowler and therefore suffered a lot of damage.
After a long period of time after the creation of the Fribourg Cathedral, it was not until 1827 that it became the seat of the bishop. There are 16 bells in the tower, and the oldest 1258 are “Hosanna” bells weighing 3,290 kg. On Thursday night, after Angelus at 11 pm on Thursday (usually known as “Spätzleglocke”), after the air raid on Thursday night and November 27th each year, the bell can be heard in the memory of the air raid.
Picture click by Aman Deep Lal