Firefox ready to launch its own tablet


Firefox Ready To launch Its Own Tablet


Firefox ready to launch its own tablet
Firefox ready to launch its own tablet

Hi Friends. Firefox ready to launch its own tablet In upcoming days. after a long time Firefox ready to launch its own tablet wit hgreat specifications and cheep price..


The date on the calendar is pinning June 3: as the big brands in the business technology devoted to the cause, Mozilla is the protagonist of an indiscretion on the launch of a new product. On Monday, the fox of fire should be presented in collaboration with Hon Hay Precision Industry, the Taiwanese company known as Foxconn to which we owe the development of most Apple devices, a tablet characterized by the operating system Firefox Os. The input was first reported by Focus Taiwan , Reuters also confirmed the agreement between the two companies by consulting a spokesman for Mozilla. Falcon’s intention to disengage from the house of Apple is also known since last Monday, when the Wall Street Journal has referred to a cooling of relations with Cupertino due to the slowdown in sales of the iPhone and iPod, which currently represent 50 % of revenue of the group. “We need to expand our customer base to increase the volume of production,” said an executive Foxconn.And here comes Mozilla.

The foundation presented its open source operating system for smartphones last February during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ??and if the indiscretion of Focus Taiwan were to be confirmed next Monday, the same concept of openness and accessibility of web applications is expected to land on a tablet. Mozilla jumps in this case intermediaries to whom has been entrusted the production of its smartphone – ZTE, Alcatel and LG, among others – and is aimed directly at the source. Such a move would allow it to give a more specific to devices which, as we had explained Mitchell Baker, president of the foundation created to offer “the best performance in any price range” and to meet the “needs of emerging markets.”

The first public release of smartphones with Firefox Os showed that the direction is the right one: Keno all Peak and the Spanish Geeks phone were sold in a few hours .To encourage developers to build applications that make products more attractive Mozilla has also launched a dedicated program and given to those who proposed an interesting ideas eon . The fruits of the work on the front smartphone will be seen in the summer months, when it will begin distribution in the first countries involved, who include Spain, Brazil and Venezuela. For Italy there are still no official news: as is evident in, Telecom Italy, the operator chose to sell phones with Mozilla Firefox Os within our borders, is preparing to launch in the last quarter of 2013. The intention is to get ready under the Christmas tree. We contacted Mozilla has not confirmed the date, but did not deny: “We are very pleased to have the support of Telecom Italy for the launch of Firefox Os, as announced in February, and will continue to work with them, but we have ads do right now. ”


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