Firefox 22 Five times faster less add-ons


Firefox 22 Five times faster less add-ons

Firefox 22 Five times faster less add-ons
Firefox 22 Five times faster less add-ons


Firefox 22 is now available for download.The technique WebRTC is the first time it is possible to use your own webcam and microphone without additional tools. About the WebRTC function “getUserMedia” can appropriately programmed web apps picture and sound use and thus allow as video telephony without any add-ons. The “Peer Connection” function also ensures that the data is exchanged directly between the two browsers – and not on a server. All file types can be sent via “Data Channels” between the two browsers. Since WebRTC is already built into Chrome, Firefox 22 may also communicate with the Google browser in this way.

Up to five times faster JavaScript:-

Firefox 22 Five times faster less add-ons
Firefox 22 Five times faster less add-ons

The JavaScript engine of Firefox 22 is to “OdinMonkey” extended. In turn, the new module contains the JavaScript extension “asm.js”. You should ensure that JavaScript programs can run almost as fast as native code – in practice about two to five times as fast as before. Also porting the Unreal Engine for the Browser benefited from asm.js: The collaboration with Epic Games is already proven how demanding games can be played smoothly in the browser. In traditional JavaScript benchmarks like SunSpider We continued to see no performance boost.

Web app information and HiDPI:-
Among the other new features in Firefox 22 is one of the Web Notifications API: allow Web applications to issue notifications to the user, even if the tab is in the background. Also possible is a notification of the dialogues of the operating system. Windows users will benefit from the new “HiDPI” scaling: If the system-wide display size increased to 125 or 150 percent, and Firefox sets 22 all menus and Web sites continue to be larger and focus dar

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