Apple blocks over parts of Jailbreak iOS 7.1 beta 5


Apple blocks over parts of Jailbreak iOS 7.1 beta 5


Apple blocks over parts of Jailbreak iOS 7.1 beta 5
Apple blocks over parts of Jailbreak iOS 7.1 beta 5

With the fifth test version of iOS 7.1, Apple makes it clear that the fight against Jailbreak still in the same line as always. The Cupertino released iOS 7.1 beta 5 yesterday and within hours it was confirmed what we already assumed, followed by patching parts Jailbreak iOS 7 . Hackers rushed to publish as soon Jailbreak and that has lead Apple to lock in its next major update, if all goes as planned will arrive in the coming weeks. The picture that is coming is the usual: iOS 7.1 will be made ??official and all users update Jailbreak lose. thing in these cases is better to be well informed in order to decide whether to upgrade or not, being able to assess the pros and cons of do it.

Again, it has been the hacker iH8sn0w responsible for giving the bad news with a series of messages on Twitter. The previous beta version iOS 7.1 had blocked some exploits used to jailbreak, but it was not entirely clear. In this case the response of Apple has been more forceful, blocking two key paragraphs that impede Jailbreak with Evasi0n7 program. When hackers create the Jailbreak need to find exploitable vulnerabilities (exploits) , like cracks through which sneak into the system. Obviously Apple interprets these cracks as a security breach and closed. The truth is that yes are security flaws that hackers use them to make the Jailbreak is one thing, but those same faults could be used for illicit purposes that may harm the user, compromising system integrity. In this sense, the eternal game of cat and mouse between Apple and the jailbreak is more than justified, but it would still be bad news for fans unlock.

Apple blocks over parts of Jailbreak iOS 7.1 beta 5
Apple blocks over parts of Jailbreak iOS 7.1 beta 5

Surely, when Apple releases iOS 7.1 , the new version will have already closed all the exploits used in Evasi0n7. install The consequence of this installment will lose the jailbreak and have to wait until the hackers develop a new one that is compatible with this release , which can be long or short, you can not know. Evasi0n7 has a prevention system that prevents receive notifications to install new versions, although this may be done the process from the computer using iTunes.

If you are clear that you do not want to lose the Jailbreak you only do one thing, and is unable to update the system in any way, or iOS 7.1 or other possible version (public or beta) to be launched.However keep in mind that prevent upgrades will mean not enjoy the news they bring. At this point each user should carefully examine the benefits of each update and if it really worth sacrificing Jailbreak or not. believe that in our case is questionable only when there is a leap year, such as iOS iOS 7 to 8, but with no intermediate versions such as iOS 7.1.

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