Amazon Ready in Smartphone Market


Amazon Ready in Smartphone Market


Amazon Ready in Smartphone Market
Amazon Ready in Smartphone Market


Amazon is rumored to be introducing the first smart phone in June, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal. launch this phone will be done by September in order to tighten the competition market dominated by Samsung and Apple.

According to sources reported in the Wall Street Journal , Amazon is working on making cell phone different from that already exist today. American electronic commerce company that will use 3D technology on screen.

news about Amazon’s foray into the market this smart ponser been circulating since many years ago. It is estimated that this phone uses the Android operating system, as it has been applied to the Kindle Fire tablet .

Relating to the creation of the latest hardware, Amazon managed to achieve the target to provide 200 thousand apps in the app store. Now, the company is trying to continue to continue to increase this number to the number of applications is expected to beat Apple in the App Store reached 1 million.

making this smart phone is not the first job for the hardware division of Amazon. Previously, the team has been working onthe e-reader and tablet and fairly successful. In addition, Amazon also successfully created the Fire TV complete with gaming features introduced last week.

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