6 Proven Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Site


6 Proven Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Site

Are you looking to grow your site audience? Do you want more blog post ideas? Are you thinking what type of content will best engage your audience? You are on right place. In this article, I will cover 5 different types of blog post ideas to increase your traffic (all proven strategies).

6 Proven Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Site
6 Proven Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Site

Content and tutorials

People use the internet is to find solutions to their problems and you can provide such a solution, that’s a golden content opportunity.

How to do it the first step, identify a problem that your audience has. Once you find a problem. Step by step guide them by writing article and solve their problem. If you solve your audience problem more changes are there they will share your content on social media.

Bonus tip

Always use videos, images, an infographic in your article. Use buzzsumo to generate content.

If you want to make your post viral then you need to find out how other article are successful.  Buzzsumo is great tool for this. Enter your keyword in search engine and click on search. see above image, You can see number of share on social media viral top post relate to your article .In this example, you can see that the guest posting tutorial is very popular. Use this strategy to find the most popular topics in your specific niches and for social media participation in blog posts.


Podcasts is becoming more popular day by day.Due to the big names like Tim Ferris providing more content as an audio instead of text.Podcasts are really great . Podcasts are relatively easy to produce.By podcasts, you can build a strong bond and relationship with your audiences by providing awesome information.Also, people love to listen to this stuff everywhere they go.

How to do it

For getting started you don’t need too much.You only need to have a microphone and software that can record your voice.Example software name audacityPat Flynn’s is an expert of the podcast he has written an article on how to start a podcast?. check it out.

Bonus tip

You can use the sound cloud to easily publish episodes on your blog. Better content

Better content

You know well content is king, not every blog post is going to drive traffic value if you’re not being strategic about topic choices. There are a number of ways to get more juice from every blog post. how let see

Every post should have a long tail and short tail keyword

The keyword should be found in a few important spots: First I the title, and at least one header, at least once or twice throughout the copy, and in the last sentence.

Name your images with your keyword


Haro is a great tool to get big media placements that may be otherwise expensive to achieve.it can also be a strategy for driving traffic to your site. Just go and Simply sign up as a source the platform is completely free to use and get their daily emails. When you see a query that similar to you or your business, submit your best response, and wait to see if it’s chosen. That’s it

Use Social sharing plugins

Do you want readers to share the blog posts you spend so much time creating? You can do this by social share plugin. Share buttons should b displayed. having them next to your post is a little reminder to your readers that they can share your post. Don’t make it difficult for your readers to share your content — otherwise, they will not share your content.

Written by : https://www.wcchub.com/

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