3 Excellent Strategies To Use IGTV for Business


3 Excellent Strategies To Use IGTV for Business

IGTV is the Instagram video platform that allows users to create long-form vertical videos up to one hour long. This platform prefers long-form videos, but you can also upload shorter videos, but they are longer at least 15 seconds. 

From both individuals and businesses, IGTV has gathered mixed reactions. IGTV completes two years from its launch, but many businesses are still trying to figure out how to use IGTV to engage their followers. Facebook, Instagram’s partner company, is very strong about IGTV and completely believes it to be the next generation’s TV viewing experience. 

Length and size for videos

  • You can upload videos from one minute to one-hour length.
  • Normal users can upload their videos up to 10 minutes from the mobile.
  • Some verified and longer accounts can upload IGTV videos up to an hour-long from the web. 
  • The video size is 650 MB for videos less than 10 minutes and 3.6 GB for videos up to one hour. 

There are a new separate IGTV application and web uploads as well. Some functionalities of IGTV are :

  • You can also share these videos with Instagram’s direct messages. 
  • You can directly link your IGTV videos from your Instagram stories. Simply you can swipe up and watch your videos. It will help to get more traffic. 
  • You can follow different channels, and viewers can leave comments and likes to your videos. You will get the notifications for likes and comments on the same screen to get the notifications for your profile. 
  • There is also a copy link option for your videos. So you can easily share your videos with other sources. 

Many businesses start using IGTV to grow their brands’ visibility and reach. To that end, here are the three excellent strategies you must follow to grow your business. 

  • Repurpose your content

Before creating new native content for IGTV, you may think about old horizontal video content from Facebook or YouTube or anything you already have with you. There are many apps there to convert your horizontal videos into the vertical format. 

Be selective with your videos that you are going to upload on the IGTV channel. Videos that you upload in 2018 on YouTube that are not relevant for your IGTV. It will give you less engagement. 

  • Create native content

To gain a new audience, you can also post some of your native content. You will need to produce fresh content based on getting engaged and entertaining your targeted audience. 

These contents help to create brand awareness and promote your brand. If you want to enhance your brand’s quality and trust, you need to buy Snaphappen IGTV likes to make your videos look unique. You can also increase your engagement and make your videos become trending. 

  • Future customer references

One of the critical things for your business is building social proof. One way to build social proof is to feature customers references and success stories on your website and other social channels. 

To showcase your customer testimonials and stories, IGTV is the best platform for that. You can reach out to your existing customer and ask them to share the experience and review of your products and services. 

Summing up

IGTV is not that much popular as YouTube, but when it comes to long-form videos, IGTV is the best platform that you have chosen. Many businesses have already started creating more engaging videos on IGTV. Many businesses are yet to recognize its potential. Anyhow, it is the best time to start your presence on IGTV and increase your brand visibility before everyone is going to start this. 

Nowadays, videos are becoming as important in the content marketing platform. IGTV is the best choice for content creators who always want to create long-form videos. It is the best platform for marketing professionals because this development can engage more people who are moving away from televisions to social media. Try these three strategies and make your business become popular and promote your brand to reach out to many audiences. 

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