Top 5 Best Way To increase the battery duration of Samsung Galaxy S3


Top 5 Best Way To increase the battery duration of Samsung Galaxy S3


Increase the battery duration of Samsung Galaxy S3


Today’s time is Android time.but in android smartphones Main Problum is Battery Charging.Here i am Giving you top Best 7 tips to Increase the battery duration of Samsung Galaxy S3.

Samsung Launch many Smartphones and The Samsung Galaxy S3 is one of them.and the battery life is too short. on 3G talk time mode boasts at last 12 hours, but the majority of smartphone users coincide on the fact that these phones have incredible features but all, more or less, are deficient in terms of a battery that supports a permanent basis.

user ya Operator (Mobile Lover) can also expect that latest discovery, with its large and smooth, bright screen. but operator will suffer the same type of problem if we use it a lot to watch videos, play and remaining internet Serffing.

Here and going to Learn you if you want to learn how to make more increase the battery duration of Samsung Galaxy S3, in this article will teach you to do so.

7 Best Tips To Increase The Battery Duration:-


Increase the battery duration of Samsung Galaxy S3

To Increase the battery duration of Samsung Galaxy S3 >> go to (Setup) and slips on the (energy saving Option) that is normally turned off.



Increase the battery duration of Samsung Galaxy S3

The other hand we know thew white color consume background color.Operator always know that, as they are made for the Smartphone, the background color to white consumes much more than the black one, so change the display color of the screen by going to ‘change’ and then crushes ‘display type’.


Increase the battery duration of Samsung Galaxy S3

The Third tips is..(Go to setting Option) Adjust the brightness of the screen of your Samsung Galaxy S3 going to ‘Settings’, and then later on ‘Display’, then click ‘brightness’. Sets the bar to a minimum and crushes ‘ok’.


Increase the battery duration of Samsung Galaxy S3

The Fourth Option is…manage the Display Light time.One of the worst enemies because the battery life is the waiting time before the phone goes into standby. Go to ‘Settings’ and choose’ display ‘, there go to’ off screen ‘, we recommend that you set it to ’30 seconds’, for otherwise the battery will last significantly less.


Increase the battery duration of Samsung Galaxy S3

The Fifth Best Tips is…(Off all opration like Facebook,Wi-Fi,3G)..Disconnect all the functions that you do not need at the moment, for example the WI-FI or 3G, to save energy. To do this, hit twice in a row on the top of the screen and a picture will appear similar to the photo.

Another news that presents the Samsung Galaxy S3 is the possibility to take pictures with voice command..

If you want to read more articles about how to increase the battery life of my Samsung Galaxy S3 , you’ll want to enter our section Accessories to mobile phones .

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