It’s yesterday’s news of problems with some Wi-Fi networks with Android Lollipop but we waited a few hours in giving it because we wanted to check more carefully the information that emerged within the Google support. Although there are already several reports, we did not detect problems on the Nexus 5, 9 Nexus and Nexus 7 in 2013 while connecting to known networks. Trying with open networks around the city the connection is always occurred and therefore the problem seems sporadic. Android Lollipop reviews
It seems, however, that some networks, especially with particular settings, are not recognized by preventing the connection. If you are experiencing problems, please let us know in the comments. Android Lollipop reviews
Something different for the battery: Android Lollipop consumes more than Kitkat use active (at least in our first test) . For if in standby consumption are in line with the previous release, when you activate the screen and started to use your smartphone in common tasks, in a 20in minutes of use you’ll soon realize how much the battery drops quickly. Yesterday evening we were able to use approximately 60% of the battery in about 1 and 20 of use: given very alarming. Android Lollipop reviews
However expect others charge cycles and maybe new update to see if it is a temporary problem or something more rooted in Lollipop and its animations.