Latest Air Conditioner Technology In The Recent Models


Latest Air Conditioner Technology In The Recent Models

Latest Air Conditioner Technology – 140/month. Are you out to buy an air conditioner as per the needs of your family? Is the hot summer approaching in your city? Is that the way that you have landed on this web page and reading this article? No! Let us take one second to make an assumption. Hmm, you want to remain updated with the recent updates in home appliances. Fret not, as you have come to the right page. In this article, let us discuss the latest air conditioner technology in the recent models.

Prevention of Particulate Matter and Volatile Organic Compounds
Prevention of Particulate Matter and Volatile Organic Compounds

Changes in Air Conditioner Technology and Industry

The AC industry has undergone rapid changes in the last two decades. In India, twenty years ago, the people did not want AC as the weather was compatible. But the temperature in Indian cities has increased. The reason – rising population and increase in automobiles. So, the demand for AC increased. There has been a significant rise in the number of air conditioners. There are new technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, Internet of Things. They have made a grand entry to the home improvement field.  So, the air conditioner models have also undergone a change. In this article, let us focus on the features which define the present AC models.

Latest Air Conditioner Technology in Models

  1. Sensor Network
    Technology improvements have also happened in the electronics field. In recent times, sensors are a prominent feature of many AC models. Have you inspected the Hitachi model of air conditioners? They come with the updated iSee Technology. The image sensor technology can identify the number of individuals in the room. They also get to know their location and then adjust to the needed temperature.
    In addition, it can also identify the room size. Now, it can automatically regulate its angle to give the most cooling effect. The other important feature – the sensor can also detect the absence of humans in the room. The result – the AC gets switched off.
  2. Latest Air Conditioner Technology In The Recent Models – Controlling AC with Smart Phone
    Smart mobiles have changed the very concept of technology. In recent times, the Indian population wants an app to do any work. Have you heard about Smart Home, Internet of Things? If you have, understanding the next set of lines is very easy. If you have a smart AC in the home, then controlling the appliance is very easy.

    Controlling AC with Smart Phone
    Controlling AC with Smart Phone

    Let us imagine, you have a smart air conditioner in your home. You need to have to change the temperature manually at certain conditions. You just have to download the concerned model’s app, and you have to pair with the internet. If the connection is established, then it becomes easy to control as well as monitor the app from your smart mobile. For connection with the internet, you can use the router or WiFi.
    Then there are models where you can know the consumption of electricity. For example, the Whirlpool Smart AC model. In the app, you can know the exact details of power usage.

  3. Latest Air Conditioner Technology In The Recent Models – 4D AirFlow
    Have you noticed the air flow in an AC? In the older AC models, the swing blades can go up and down. Only two directions. But the style has not changed in recent models. For example, you can check on Blue Star, Hitachi, LG, etc. There is a 4D swing function. The air blades can swing up and down, and right to left.  This feature can ensure that cooling happens in all areas of the room.
  4. Latest Air Conditioner Technology In The Recent Models – Fast Cooling Technology
    The business is stiff. Every AC manufacturer is coming with new technology to attract customers. For example, the LG brand makes use of an option called Himalaya Cool Technology. When you press the button “HCOOL” the AC will throw the cool air at a full speed for a full thirty minutes. There are other brands which have the same type of feature. They have different names and can give the cooling effect in less than twenty minutes.

    Fast Cooling Technology
    Fast Cooling Technology

    In the above paragraph, we gave information about models which provide cool air. Now let us have a look at the model, which pulls off the air at a fast rate. The name is Whirlpool AC, and this model uses a technology called Turbo Cool. It is a three vent system. But instead of providing air, it takes off the hot air in quick time.

  5. Latest Air Conditioner Technology In The Recent Models – Humidity Control
    In the red hot summer, having an AC in home or office is a boon. Consider the opposite. In the winter, the AC can overflow. There is also another problem. Your air conditioner needs
    more energy in the winter. The most difficult problem – your room can become colder. You can identify the results. Your family members can suffer from cold, cough or sneezing. The main reason, many of the recent branded ACs have a dry model or dehumidification feature. For example, you can check on models such as Blue Star, Voltas and LG. With the recent dry feature, you will receive only fresh and clean air in your home.
  6. Latest Air Conditioner Technology In The Recent Models – Prevention of Particulate Matter  and Volatile Organic Compounds
    Is there a feature that needed innovation as per the recent environment? Yes. Even you know it. It is the air filter in AC. The reason – pollution in the air has increased to a great extent. So, recent AC models have come with specialized air filters. They can weed out particulate matter that is the result of vehicle emissions.

    Latest Air Conditioner Technology In Recent Models
    Latest Air Conditioner Technology In Recent Models

    Do you have any idea about volatile organic compounds? Okay, we give the description. They are organic compounds. Their special feature – change to vapor or gas because of high temperature or pressure. For example, you have gasoline, coal or wood. Not to mention the residues coming from solvents and paints. Some brands come with an anti-VOC filter to remove these unwanted items from your home. For example, Midea AC.

  7. Automatic Filter Cleaning
    Have you come across a situation, when the perfectly working AC gives very less cool air? Then the reason – the filter must have got dirty. Do you know the advice of home improvement experts? An AC filter should get cleaned every six months.
    AC manufacturers now saw a new opportunity. They introduced models with the automatic cleaning feature. You can check the brands of Blue Star, Carrier, LG and Hitachi.
  8. Voltage Fluctuations
    There is one factor which can reduce the lifespan of air conditioners. For example, an electricity supply. Any urban city is prone to load shedding and power cuts in winter and summer. In times of power cut, voltage fluctuation can happen. The AC suffers damage. So, the AC manufacturers have come out with a feature called smart voltage compensation logic. It can ensure smooth working even in dire conditions.


There are other changes such as changing from aluminum condenser to copper condenser, inverter technology and more. But it is difficult to cover all the technology changes in recent AC models in one article. And you also have to notice one important trend. In the good old days, when the AC gets repaired, you will contact the service center of the manufacturer. That is if your appliance still has the warranty period. But if it has crossed the duration, it was a gruesome task to find the right AC expert who can fix the problem at an affordable rate.

Recent Trend

Now the times have changed. Imagine, you are in Hyderabad, and the appliance needs a repair expert to make it come to normal. Where will you search for the best technician skilled in AC repair Hyderabad? To make matters easy, check with companies who provide home repair services in Hyderabad. They will have reputed AC experts in their payrolls. You can decide the time for repair service. They will come at the right time to your home and fix the problem.

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