HTC One and HTC One M8 M7, the point L on Android


HTC One and HTC One M8 M7, the point L on Android


News of very high concern, those that come directly from the Twitter profile of Upleaks, a person close to the world and able to launch HTC often rumors preview on the decisions that the producer on his device.

Specifically, in this case we speak of two top of the range as the ‘ HTC One M8 and ‘HTC One M7 , especially with regard to the release of Android with the Sense interface L:

1, Android 5.0 update for the M8 will be released with Sense 6.

2 They have not started porting Sense 7 software to M8 yet.

We’ll see what the real approach from HTC on the matter. It ‘true, however, that the situation began to worry not just those who have purchased a HTC One M7 over the past few months.

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