Animation trends that are going to surface in 2020


Animation trends that are going to surface in 2020

Animations have been a great way to market and advertise on a bigger scale. The tool has been in use for different purposes, along with branding and that is one of the reasons why businesses find themselves inclining towards this methodology. Animators are sought to craft unique imagery that is in motion, whilst falling into trends and requirements set by the industry.

In order to create wonder animation, you will be required to grasp onto the concepts of designs, motions, and movements. It is best that you research throughout the internet and gather information from different sources to aid yourself at learning as much as you can to tailor exceptional animations. Not only will you be able to generate unique ideas this way but you will have an in-depth insight into how the world of animation revolves and around what it revolves.

It can be tiresome, however, it does pay off. To help you develop an idea of the latest trends of the year 2020, we have gathered a few for you already.

Borders that are not defines

In this trend elements within the imagery lack defined borders but instead appear as tubes and circles dissolved together. Upon adding animation effects on it the imagery can be displayed professionally, delivering high-quality visual imagery that is interesting and out of the box. You can choose to opt for videography to commercialize the animation and give it the edge it requires to stand out.

Floating animations that defy gravity

It has been advised to make use of 3D models in this technique, it often leads to an anti-gravity animation that is innovative and catches the viewers’ attention effectively. The best part about this trend is that gives off a very free-flowing feel, enabling viewers to sense as if they are moving along with the animation. And for that reason, this is one of the major trends of 2020, given how successful it has been for commercial uses so far.

Vibrant and bold gradients

There used to be a trend previously which solely focused on soft pastel color palettes however in this current trend, motions, and subject matters are ridden with vivid colors to give them a popping feeling. This makes them more attractive and different, influencing greater attention retention of the viewer. Not only is it an out of the box approach but effectively attracts audiences towards it.

Metallic effects

Animating visual imagery with metallic often enhanced motion graphics, making them appear dark and yet powerful. Metallic effects make animations appear more lifelike, enabling them to look more alive and a part of reality. It is the gloss that gives perspective and angles to the animation, especially when different positions are being shown in the animation.

Fluidity and liquid effects

Animations that have fluid effects often appear freeing and spacious and that is what makes them intriguing. In the recent shifts of trends, fluid motion effects have become widely common amongst marketing campaigns and they are seeking to go on the even greater risk. It is the melting effect that can be tricky to handle for animators, however, that exact same element enhances aesthetics as well. Fluidity and liquid effects within animations are best when used for commercial advertisements. It gives businesses the edge they need to go against their competitors.

Typography within animations

Typography has become revolutionary, it is no more what it used to be back in the days. The main focus of typography is to depict the future, giving a professional grounding to businesses whilst moving objects from one perspective to another. One method to opt for whilst using typography is to add motion in the background to increase captivation and engagement factors, not only will that improve the beauty of the visual content but deliver adept messages across to the viewers.

By going through these trends mentioned above you can gain skills that will take your animation work to another level and provide you with opportunities that will bring you in the limelight. However, you must make sure to keep your viewers persona as the primary basis of your animations. Through that, you will be able to meet their wishes and showcase their desired solutions which they wish to obtain from your visual content. The best part about animations is that they tend to gain attention immediately and deliver key points through a fun and exciting medium in a free-flowing manner.

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