63 million people in India suffer from hearing loss. The main cause of hearing loss is related to age. It can happen suddenly or gradually. Although you can’t reverse most types of hearing loss, this is something you can’t ignore. There are some options to prevent further hearing loss and improve your hearing.
Hearing loss can have a serious impact on your health and well-being. Studies have shown that untreated hearing loss increases your risk of depression, falls, anxiety, paranoia, social isolation, and dementia. Hearing problems range from poor hearing in certain tones to inability to listen to conversations. One of the main effects of hearing loss is the ability of individuals to communicate with others. Excluded communication can have a major impact on daily life. This causes feelings of loneliness, isolation, and frustration, especially among the elderly with hearing loss.
Hearing loss affects not only individuals but also spouses, family members, friends, and colleagues. Treating hearing loss helps ensure that you don’t miss anything.
Are you 55 or older? Do you sometimes have difficulty understanding speech in a noisy environment? Do you ask others to repeat it often? Do you feel that others are licking or beating their words? These may be symptoms of hearing loss.
Think you may have hearing loss? Once you suspect hearing loss, we always recommend hearing tests! Unfortunately, most people with hearing impairments suffer too much in silence. Most people often have to wait for 5 to 7 years between the first symptoms and help. As a result, they often inadvertently experience the unpleasant and unhealthy consequences of hearing loss.
Do you know that your overall health is directly related to your hearing health? Do you want to know if you have hearing loss? Book a free appointment for a hearing test! If you are diagnosed with age-related hearing loss, you can improve your hearing and quality of life with hearing aids.
Hearing aids are smaller and more effective than ever. Technology is growing at an alarming rate and prices are getting lower and lower. Digital technology offers maximum flexibility and more options to meet user comfort and speech intelligibility.
Are you willing to test revolutionary digital hearing aids without obligation? This online service makes it easier to book free hearing tests and experience the latest hearing aids with leading sound quality. You can now register for a free trial version of your hearing aid at your local hearing center.