7 Signs Which Tell It Is Time To Redesign Your Website


7 Signs Which Tell It Is Time To Redesign Your Website

As an entrepreneur, you must be aware of the importance of having a business website. However, do you know when it is time to redesign your website? A lot of people convert site to WordPress CMS or use similar other tools to acquire a business interface. Once they build the website, most of them hardly ever review its performance at regular intervals. When they are unable to extract good returns from their investment, they complain about the interface is a waste of money. They have nothing but their own carelessness to blame for the situation. A website is the cornerstone of the entire digital marketing strategy. It is impossible to leverage the power of the internet to boost revenue generation without an effective interface. Business owners must keep their eyes open for the warning signals mentioned in this article. As soon as they spot any one of the signs, they must start preparations for redesigning their website.

1. Your Pages Take Too Long To Load

People expect websites to load instantly in their browsers. They abandon any page that takes too long to load, in favor of a faster option. Check whether your web pages are loading quickly or not. You can use free online tools to know the time taken by your interface to load. Page loading speed is important for various reasons. It is a vital factor for guaranteeing a satisfying user experience. Moreover, Google also uses it as a ranking factor for finalizing its search results. It will be detrimental for a business website to ignore such a crucial aspect and lose out on better search rankings.

2. The Website Does Not Work Perfectly On Mobile Devices

Have you tried to access your website on a mobile device lately? The majority of the world’s internet traffic is coming from smart devices. As a business owner, you cannot afford to ignore this fact. Your interface must be easily accessible to mobile users in order to generate good results. A mobile-friendly interface is a must for surviving in today’s digital world. It is time for a change if you have to pinch or stretch to make your pages fit the device screen. People will abandon an interface if it is difficult to read and operate. Responsive design techniques must be used to create websites which will work perfectly on mobile devices.

3. Your Analytics Report Shows A High Bounce Rate

People integrate analytics tools to monitor and measure the traffic to their interfaces. These solutions help them in knowing in detail about their visitors. In case, the analytics tool shows a high bounce rate, then remodeling must be started immediately. The bounce rate is the number of people who only visit a single page of an interface during their session. A high bounce rate is a sure sign of poor user experience. There can be various reasons why visitors leave a website without exploring any other sections. They could have been discouraged by poor content, inefficient navigation or an unattractive layout. A better design will help in lowering the bounce rate and improving conversions.

4. Your Leads Are Not Converting

It is time to redesign your website if your leads are not converting. The interface attracts good traffic and people show interest but hardly anyone is taking the conversion action. This is a common but serious problem faced by a lot of business owners. High traffic volumes suggest that your SEO strategies and other promotional efforts are bearing fruit. However, they are not taking the desired action because the website does not meet their expectations. This means that a critical component is missing from your interface. It could be anything from unattractive design to low-quality content. You will need to hire professionals to identify the root cause of the problem and rectify it.

5. The Website Is Hard To Navigate

Have you heard of the three-click rule? It says that a visitor must be able to find the desired information within three clicks of the mouse. This rule can be impractical to follow for online stores or other large websites. However, it gives you an idea how important good navigation is for a successful interface. Take a close look at your website and check whether all the important navigation links are easily visible. E-commerce operators must include product search filters and autocomplete feature to ease things for shoppers. If you receive a lot of negative feedback regarding navigation-related difficulties, it is time for remodeling.

6. Your Competitors Have Revamped Their Websites

Modern consumers are spoilt for choices. A simple google search returns thousands of results and people compare various options before making the final decision. You must regularly visit your competitor’s websites and see whether they have revamped their layouts or not. An updated design communicates to the user that the owner is serious about running the business. It indicates that the entrepreneur is aware of the latest web development practices as well as trends in her industry. A dated layout dents the reputation of the enterprise and does not inspire trust among the target audience. If you spot a majority of your rivals upgrading their interface, lose no time in remodeling your own.

7. Your Social Shares Lack Appeal

Social media is an important platform for all kinds of businesses. Smart entrepreneurs leverage their social profiles to boost their audience’s engagement. It also allows them to get in front of more people and increase the chances of generating more website traffic. A lot of people visit interfaces after they have been impressed by a post. If you witness poor traffic from your social profiles, then your posts and shares lack appeal. The website content that is being shared on your social feeds is not of good quality. You need to hire professionals to craft helpful content which is presented in an attractive manner. Invest in adding visual content like infographics, images, and videos. This will help in boosting the popularity of your content on social networks.


Do not ignore any of these warning signals and move swiftly to redesign your website. Delaying the process will only force you to cede space to competitors and incur financial losses.

About the Author:

Brandon Graves is the Digital marketer & WordPress developer at HireWPGeeks Ltd – Best PSD to WordPress CMS Services provider in the USA.

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