Give visibility to Web sites on search engines is an inexpensive and reliable way to greatly increase visits and turnover. Not only that, it is a way to provide added value to the absolute sites created for its customers. Marketing studies confirmed the direct experience of each browser, show that it appear in the top 30 results in your search category, is equivalent to being almost invisible. On the contrary, be present in the top 15 results mean significantly increase page views and unique bus bandwidth. This course does not just teach the techniques of search engine optimization, but also to design and optimize the code because the pages are “like” the engines and indexed in less time. The course is designed as an event condensed into a ‘ only one day of training, which aims to provide answers and tips to improve techniques for ranking on Google and other Search engines.
The course is aimed at all those involved in the promotion and optimization of Web sites
In particular, the course is aimed at:
Not special skills are required for Web publishing.
A basic knowledge of HTML is necessary to the understanding of the techniques for optimizing Web pages, while not a prerequisite for participation. It ‘a good knowledge of the use of the Internet.
Comes teaching material:
Warning : the textbook, in view of the availability and reprints available at the time of the course, could be replaced by a similar publication.
Included in the price of the course will be provided:
Two coffee breaks for each day of the course, which will allow you to maintain the proper concentration.
Each student will receive some gadgets with brand Group HTML needed for the good conduct of the course:
The course of positioning on search engines involves the use of the following programs:
The course includes the study of the source code of the documents to indicate procedures compatible with any platform regardless of the software used. Only in order to speed up the writing of code, some repetitive tasks will be carried out with the aid of an HTML editor.
The course of positioning on search engines has a cost of 390 € + VAT . Cost includes any aspects of the course.
The price includes:
For those who have already participated in the past in any of the courses is a discount of 10%.