How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility


How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility

How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility
How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility

A computer should be used to its full potential, never sparing him, within the technical limits, installing and using programs.How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility..
The problem, as already explained many times, is that over time the PC gets slower and slower and this really is inevitable. The causes of a slow computer depend on the one hand the memory is full of data, the other by the fact that the programs are renewed and always getting heavier by the time be very slow on older PCs. If For the second problem you cannot do anything but change some parts of the computer to update it and give it new life , for the first, the data that fill the slow PC, you can do a cleaning every now and then, getting rid of everything that does not longer needed. Here we see 5 basic steps to be done to fix a slow computer and clean it up from the useless. How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility..


1) Disk Cleanup: –

Windows has an internal tool for cleaning disk that can be accessed in several ways.
It can be found in Windows Explorer, right-click the icon of a disk, C: clicking on properties, in general tab.
You can also start a cleaning disk advanced and complete with a special command to be run from the box Run ( % SystemRoot% \ System32 \ cmd.exe / c cleanmgr / sageset: 1 ).
You can click on the File System to expand choice.
By default, the tool Disk Cleanup deletes temporary files, data from the Internet Explorer browser, cleaning the Windows Update can also recover 4 GB of disk space and also the Windows. old folder if you do not need it anymore.
The board Other options allows you to delete the restore points to free up space, and access the utility programs and features to uninstall and remove programs Windows Components.”

How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility
How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility
2) CCleaner :-
If you want to do more and, in some cases, it is necessary to do more, not so much as to free up disk space by getting rid of the ballast that can bring your PC to be slower than normal, you poor use the program CCleaner. You can download CCleaner to clean up system files, temporary cache browser and so on. CCleaner also has a registry cleaner that works well, without miracles, but without making a mess. the guide of tricks and hidden features of CCleaner.

How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility
How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility
3) Uninstall unnecessary programs
based operation that will secure benefits is to uninstall any programs that are never used. In particular, it is better to get rid of the programs that were pre-installed in Windows, present since that time that have never served. There are programs like PC De-crucifier for remove unnecessary programs and clayware from your computer automatically and quickly. Otherwise you can go into Control Panel and open the tool to uninstall programs (Programs and Features). In Windows 8, it is worth also remove apps in the store that does not are used.

How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility
How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility
4) Check for large files on the disk
files on the disc can be a big problem because if the disk is almost full, the files are fragmented in various areas becoming slower to read. To check and delete files large, you can use a program like WinDirStat which is one of the tools to see the space on the disc to each folder and file in a visual and graphic. After removing the larger files, it’s worth seeing if it can be useful to defragment your hard.

How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility
How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility
5) Startup Manager
Windows 8 and 8.1 you can use the Task Manager to disable programs that start automatically and take up memory on a regular basis. In Windows 7 or earlier versions of Windows, you can use the Tools> Startup in CCleaner to do the same. Only do be careful not to disable programs useful or necessary for the operation of external devices such as a printer. Many Windows programs are added automatically started without it being necessary and in the long bog down the system.

How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility
How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility
6) Clean browsers adware and toolbar
Although it is not the virus, it is worth every now and then do a scan with the program AD cleaner to delete any toolbars or browser extensions that were installed as software sponsored. These are often the first responsibility of slowdowns of your computer. This is a little ‘basic computer maintenance which, as explained, it can be even more precise and thorough.

How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility
How to Clean and fix your slow PC top 6 basic Utility


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