” WhatsApp and Facebook Hundreds of millions of users have entrusted their personal information to WhatApp. FTC staff will continue to monitor the company’s practices to ensure that WhatsApp and Facebook honor the promises they have made ??to users, “said FTC regulators, as reported by Forbes , Thursday, April 10, 2014.
warning was filed after much consternation from users privacy-related changes to the system and ad placement by Facebook to users WhatsApp. However, last month January Koum also has promised to continue to defend his company’s commitment to continue to maintain the privacy of 480 million users WhatsApp.
“WhatsApp respect your privacy and it has been encoded in our DNA. WhatsApp and Facebook We will build with the intention of little things about you as little as possible, “Koum said in a blog WhatsApp.
After the deal was announced in February, Mark Zuckerberg also explained that they would not change the WhatsApp. “We are not going to change my plans and how they use WhatsApp user data.”
WhatsApp also describes the user will continue to serve anyone without interference. “They keep the content of your post and we will not disturb it,” said Zuckerberg.